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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I Will Never Eat a Florida-Grown Conventional Tomato Again

The Wednesday Review: 
Reviewing books, products and more you may be interested in

Dear patient readers, 

Stop! Put that hamburger down!!

You all know my spiel on eating organic, local food - it's better for your body, it's kinder to the world we are entrusted to steward, it's better economic practice, yadda yadda. 

But what if lives depended on it?

Horrify yourself into investing in local, organic tomatoes with Barry Estabrook's Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit . (Affiliate link - note cover has changed)  

I was alerted to this book by a thoughtful and somewhat frightening review by the mysterious Mrs S, which you must read if you are considering eating tomatoes again.  Ever.  Get a sampling of what the book will discuss by reading her thorough review.  I checked it out at the library, then we ended up buying it on Mr H's Nook; it was too good to not own.

This book is a one-sided expose on the tomato industry.  Quite frankly, I have no need to hear the other side.  There is no reasonable justification or logic for the cruelty and bad practice engendered by these companies.  I don't care about the bottom of line of the company, the sweet drawings of farms on the tomato labels, the cheap price of the tomato in the grocery store, the wholesome American that wants a cheap, store-bought sliced tomato on their sandwich in winter and deserves to be able to afford out-of-season fruits in any part of the country, keeping burgers on the 99-cent menu for families that can't afford more, the cruel rationalization that we should provide horrific-condition jobs for illegals since they'll come here anyway, or the families of the management that are struggling to pay bills despite their thieving and gross manipulations.

In Search of the Promised Tomatoland, Part 1
How can we justify buying tomatoes that are two dollars cheaper per pound, made possible by costing somebody, somewhere, their life and livelihood?  

We say that organic tomatoes cost an arm and a leg, but we're being figurative. 

Conventional tomatoes are costing arms and legs, but these are real arms and legs.

Children are being born without limbs, thanks to hazardous pesticides akin to Agent Orange soaking the sandy soil of Florida where the tomatoes are grown.  Saturating the men and women working in the fields, filling their pores and lungs with poison.  Most of them illegal in this country, they are powerless against the injustice.

The publisher's synopsis of Tomatoland
Read another blogger's review
How Industrial Farming 'Destroyed' the Tasty Tomato
Americans can't afford to buy Florida's conventionally-grown tomatoes any more.  I will never buy one again.  Not after reading this.  Not if I want to sleep at night.  And if we can't afford to buy tomatoes that weren't stolen by taking the lives of somebody else to produce them, maybe we can't afford tomatoes at all.  

Mrs H
tweet us @_mrs_h for chewy nuggets
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Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Menu: Deployment Changes

Mr H's deployment date has been moved four times in the last five months, and now it has been moved again!  "That must be nice!" people say.  Well, not really, and here's why: he's been gone for the last four months getting ready with the squadron as they fulfill qualifications for deployment.  Now that deployment has been moved, they have to do these quals over again to stay current.  What that means is, he'll be gone for another four months, and then they'll deploy!

The Little H is excited Daddy came home!
All in a day for the Navy!

Life goes on, though.  We don't change too radically either way, and we're still readjusting to the new schedule.

In the kitchen

Double-Chocolate Brownies  |  This recipe has no flour, no cane sugar.  All decadence.  The almond butter was fresh-made in the Vitamix, seconds before it went into the brownies!  I used unsweetened chocolate, chopped; you could use bittersweet or semi-sweet for a little indulgence.

Milk  |  We get a gallon and a half of raw milk every Monday, but it's just not enough.  Not only do we drink it faster than the week runs out, but we don't have enough left for all the other dairy products our kitchen needs to function: sour cream, cottage cheese, buttermilk, yoghurt, kefir, whole cream, butter, ice cream...  This problem has been persisting, but I haven't been able to remedy it because in this state you have to purchase milk by cowshare; if I purchase another cowshare and we end up with more milk than I can keep up with, I'll still be spending that money every week and perhaps being overwhelmed.  We've come to a solution with a bi-weekly home delivery of low-heat pasteurized milk, an amount which can be varied by whatever we desire.  I can use it for recipes where I will be heating the milk anyway (i.e. yoghurt) and while it is not completely optimum, it is a necessary middle-ground to help us avoid UHT, pre-processed, plastic-packaged store products (we're also working towards a zero waste goal!).

Lemon-Ginger Effervescence  |  I really, really like this drink.  We've been enjoying it a lot.  You might call it lemonade; you may call it detox drink.  I call it wonderful!

Hot Drinks  |  Of course, it is winter and you may be more interested in a foamy cappuccino than a glass of sparkling lemonade!  Read about frothing milk and cafe au lait here, and add your comments of delicious ideas!
Home, home on the range

Crop Circles

Kale  |  We've been eating the kale off our porch, and it has enjoy a few snows and several freezes.  Completely unharmed - I love this hardy plant!

Garlic  |  The garlic is sprouting and it, too, has survived the cold with no apparent problems.  Winter gardens are so inspiring!

Flowers  |  This weekend we'll be working at a local CSA helping mulch and plant flowers.  We'll bring home any spare seeds or bulbs for our own garden!

Starters  |  Mr H is starting seeds indoors soon: asparagus, tomatoes, fennel, and I am not sure what else is in the works.  He has the seeds, the soil and the containers - now, for ten cohesive minutes so he can put it all together!

Mrs H
tweet us @_mrs_h for chewy nuggets
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Friday, February 22, 2013

Green Freeze Ice Cream: All Sweet, No Sugar

Thanks for reading this post, I'm so excited to visit with you!  
After you've gleaned all the good information you need, visit our new blog platform at to read even more fascinating tidbits from the kitchen and the fields. 

Dear green,

Ever in the mood for something sweet?

That's what gets me - after dinner, I find myself hankering a little sweet note of completion to signal my brain that all is done, time to settle down for the night.

Of course, since we're skipping sugar entirely for Lent (sugar, not sweets*), I've been compelled to find creative outlets for this sweet tooth.  Which is what I should be doing anyway, since sugar is, well, not all that great for you to put it mildly.

The following recipe was motivated by something I saw the Vitamix guy doing at a display recently.  I hunted for the recipe for what he made and couldn't find it, so I approximated something close in my own kitchen and fell in love.

*Why say sugar, not just sweets?  I was more keen to get refined sugars out of my body than I was to live without sweetness for two score days.  Sugars are hidden in many things, so somebody cutting "sweets" out of their diet without doing a deeper investigation is probably still consuming sugar.  Since we buy one-ingredient foods, it's pretty hard for sugar to hide in our kitchen; and since I like sweetness, I enjoy being compelled to explore new ways to enjoy it without the aid of refined cane sugar!

This dessert is well worth the wait.  All 30 seconds of it.  Yes, this thing can be blitzed together in a fraction of the time it takes to remove a tub of ice cream from the freezer and find the scoop.  Forego refined sugars and artificial flavors, and consume this treat which will not only taste dreamy beyond dreams but actually move your body forward in the path of health!  Win, win, win.

Green Freeze Ice Cream
This treat reminds me of my friend Esther - I know she'd love it!  But she prefers her ice cream firm, rock-hard, actually, so if you are like her, scrape it into a tub and pop it in the freezer for a few hours.  If you want it firm but not too firm, add a teaspoon of vodka when blending: the vodka won't freeze, and will keep the ice cream somewhat moldable.  

1/2 to 1 cup cider or apple juice or 1/4 - 1/2 cup apple juice concentrate
Handful of green: kale or spinach
2 frozen bananas
4 cups ice cubes (1 1/2 trays, or approximately filling the Vitamix)

Put the ingredients in the Vitamix in the order listed (rule of thumb: softest items first).  Starting on the lowest speed, slowly increase speed to 10 and then to high.  Use the tamper as necessary until the sound of the engine changes (when an air pocket forms in the firm ice cream, and the blades just whir without resistance they are higher pitched) and the ice cream is frozen.

The whole process should take just a few minutes.  Don't over mix, or you'll unfreeze and cook it!

Enjoy immediately or spatula into a tub for freezing.

we like sweet little things

Mrs H

tweet us @_mrs_h for chewy nuggets
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Let's Talk Chalk: How to label your home, and a free giveaway of your choice!

The Wednesday Review: 
Reviewing books, products and more you may be interested in

Dear jarred,

Since virtually everything in my kitchen was either purchased in a bulk 25-lb sack or a 5 gallon bucket, or came straight from a farm and went into my dehydrator or was ordered online and arrived in a cardboard box wrapped in plastic, it stands to reason that most of my food is transferred into containers such as jars, tubs and plastic bags, and then joins the ranks of other jars, tubs and plastic bags in the cupboards and in the refrigerator.

I'm always running into the irksome problem of how to attractively label them!

I received a label maker as a gift, and I LOVE it! I use it to categorize my files, I smack names on top of cans of pumpkin-butter and jars of coffee beans, and I even label shelves so guests know where to find things (and replace them, hopefully!).

But what about big tubs?  What about jars that live on my shelf and need to be read clearly, from a distance, or that sit on the counter and should (in my hopes and dreams!) look ultra-cute?  What about containers whose contents are constantly changing or being updated, like when the coffee was last ground or when I last used the sourdough starter, or how recently this container of leftovers went into the fridge?  This was my kitchen dilemma, and it was mostly answered with sticky notes and cheesy taped-on pieces of paper.  Alright, it worked, but it wasn't very nice looking, and it was exceedingly annoying to have to keep re-taping on the paper when it ripped off from being shoved into a small space one time too many.

A friend introduced me to an Etsy store, after hearing me gripe about this issue.  I almost fainted when I saw, for the first time, things I'd only dreamed existed, living in real life in front of me!!

Let's Talk Chalk! is a business run by a mom and her daughters and their products are ... Unbelievable! Beautiful stickers (which easily peel off to place elsewhere, if you change your mind) with markers that can be erased with a damp rag.  The marker doesn't smudge once you let it dry for a few seconds, so even grabbing a tub by the label won't mess up your name tag.

I like to label my jars with what is in them, and where I got it (sometimes even what I paid for it!) so that when the time comes to refill it, I know where to go or what shopping list to add it to.  Sometimes, that source changes over time, so a printed label on a jar would need to be completely replaced - now, I can just wipe off the source of my sugar, and replace it with the new store I purchased it from!

Keep forgetting when you last refreshed your sourdough?  Not a problem!  Add the date, and when you feed it or use it again, just swipe away the date and write the new one!  No labels wasted, no time spent printing or taping on a new one.

And it looks horribly cute, to boot!

There are more than just kitchen labels here, too!  I'm labeling a gallon jar of cloth-diaper detergent and including a list of ingredients and measurements, and how to run a load of diapers!  These stickers can go on jars, bins in the craft room, boxes of office supplies, baby bottles, kids' drawers, storage tubs.  There are fake mustaches for party humor, t-shirts with chalk labels you can erase and rewrite (I'm the birthday girl! Welcome Home Daddy! Baby Due in Three Weeks!), a large chalkboard decal for the fridge or pantry (grocery list?  The contents of your chest freezer? Homeschool schedule for the day? Days left in Daddy's deployment?), simple round labels for just about anything under the sun, chalkboard wine charms (these work great on coffee mugs with a handle, too - so no more losing your hot cocoa on Christmas Eve!) ... and so much more!!!

The most beautiful gift tag of all?
A wide decal perfect for the fridge, bathroom mirror, the front of Mom's notebook
Petite labels for spices, jars of homemade toothpaste, containers of erasers...
Adorable labels for glasses at a party, jugs of variously flavored kefir, Tupperware tubs of leftovers
A large calendar that you can update, erase, change, and never need to replace!!
How else could you use mini chalkboards and labels?  Signs at a farm stand?

Keeping score during a game when the original sheets run out (or for those of us who shop for games at the thrift store!)?

Signage to direct guests at a wedding, label the gift table, placecards or Reserved for Family signs?  I don't think there is any limit to the uses!

These chalk labels are of superb quality and are delivered to you from a family store - supporting a small, wholesome business while making your house efficient and adorable?  I think this is a double win!

But it's even cooler than that.  They want to host a giveaway for you!  This giveaway is extra-awesome because instead of me choosing what you would like for your giveaway, you'll simply go to her online store and choose $25 worth of product!  After a winner is chosen by random selection, I'll send you a message and connect you with Pattie at Let's Talk Chalk! to place your order.  (Of course, if you decide you need more than $25 worth, just place your order and she'll give you a $25 discount off the total.)

Enter the giveaway! 

1. Visit the Let's Talk Chalk! Facebook or Pinterest site and follow one or the other (or both).  They post beautiful and clever ideas on their Facebook and Pinterest sites, and you'll be inspired!

2. What would you use your chalk labels for?  Leave a comment below with your idea or creative use, and be sure to use a current email when you do so - I'll be using that e-mail to contact you when you win, so it should be one you check!

The contest will end February 27th, 2013 at midnight EST! 

Labeling away,

Mrs H

tweet us @_mrs_h for chewy nuggets
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Follow us on Facebook for recipes, giveaways, and brilliant flashes of perspiration!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Refreshing Carbonation: Ginger-Lemon Effervescence

Thanks for reading this post, I'm so excited to visit with you!  
After you've gleaned all the good information you need, visit our new blog platform at to read even more fascinating tidbits from the kitchen and the fields. 

Dear Lentils,

Did you choose to give something up for Lent?  Perhaps you, like many others, chose sugar as your sacrifice of choice.

Or perhaps you just don't want refined, processed sugars in your diet - we're all the better for that!

I chose to give up sugar for Lent, the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter, although it wasn't really with a spiritual intent in mind (while we're being honest here!).  In truth, it seemed like a great excuse to talk myself into giving up the granules for forty days.

It's not so hard for me - virtually every food we buy is between one and three ingredients anyway, so it's easy to check foods as they come in the door; and we hardly incorporate sugar in our regular diet at this point, so I just wanted to see how I felt if I really ensured sugar truly didn't go past my lips for all of forty days - even though it meant freezing the beautiful, fat, gorgeous heart-shaped peanut butter cookies my dear friend made me for Valentine's Day!!!

The following recipe is a refreshing - and detoxifying - drink that you might enjoy in place of sodas or sweetened drinks.  I'm sure we all know the evils of soda here, but I myself love carbonation so I'm always eager to find new (and cheap) ways to enjoy seltzer!  We came up with this on a perfectly sunny morning when we were hungry for something cool and fizzy, but not the dead sugars that usually accompany such drinks.

This drink is even more fun, because it has health benefits!  Raw ginger is said to contain anti-inflammatory phenols, as well as an anti-inflammatory enzyme called zingibain.  Raw ginger also aids in fighting rhinoviruses that lead to cold and flu, and can help relieve the cold or flu if you've already contracted it; it can help with coughs, constipation, indigestion, menstrual cramps, laryngitis and sore throats.  Or do you suffer from motion sickness?  Research has found that ginger works just as well as motion sickness drugs.

The carbonation may help soothe pregnancy hiccups (it did for me!) and the ginger can help calm a queasy stomach during morning sickness.

My husband enjoys carbonated drinks as much as I do, and he was enjoying this sparkly beverage when I mentioned there was no sugar in it.  "Really?!" he said.

I got the same response from my friend - who loves sweets, and generally asks me to add a little sugar to the drinks I make.  "No sugar!?" she said.  She also gave up sugar for Lent, and is enjoying herself immensely!

A home carbonator makes this easy!

You can strain it all at once, or make individual servings. 
Ginger-Lemon Effervescence
Using lemon juice not from concentrate will make a visible difference in your drink: it's a little thicker, darker and more potent.  However, you can use any other lemon juice, or fresh-squeeze it yourself.  To serve, either carbonate the water yourself with a home carbonator, or use mineral water, club soda or seltzer.  Tonic water, which is not the same as club soda, has quinine dissolved in it which may not be what you want.  

Two knobs ginger root, peeled
12 ounces organic lemon juice, preferably not from concentrate
Optional: 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon lime juice
Optional: Generous pinch of lemon zest for extra punch
Carbonated water

Shred the ginger on a lemon zester or another fine grater.  Scrape and pour all ingredients into a pint jar, cap it, and shake well.  (Maybe pulsing it in the Vitamix on high would extra-blend the flavors?)

Let sit overnight or for 24 hours, or use immediately if you just can't wait.

To use:  Pour liquid through a fine-mesh sieve.  I reserve the shredded ginger and use it again - this is up to you.  Bottle or re-jar the strained liquid.  Add approximately a tablespoon of the ginger-lemon concentrate to 20 ounces of water, or to taste.

Continuous serve:  Strain individual servings one at a time as desired, and keep topping off the jar with lemon juice as you go.  The ginger will go quite a distance, although the strength of flavor will be up to you.

Note: It's hard on your teeth to sip acidic, lemony drinks all day, so make sure you clean your teeth after enjoying this drink!

(This is the Sodastream we use) (affiliate link)

Take the bubbly to the park, to work, on the road or just have a few bottles available for quick drinking - I use old glass bottles to mix up a few ready-to-go drinks, and store them in the fridge! 

New wine in old skins? 

Mrs H

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Writing Letters - An Art, A Pastime, Our History

Dear reader and writer,

E-mail, Facebook, and of course online blogging are great outlets for much of our interpersonal connections. Living several thousand miles away from my family, and with dear friends dotted all over the globe, I love having social media to keep in contact with people whom I might not otherwise hear from for a very, very long time!

There is still value in handwritten letters, though; they were once a record of the times, as we now read entire books comprised of letters Mark Twain or Louisa May Alcott wrote, and are fascinated by the quotidian events of their now historic lives.

This writing prompt from our short stories blog (which is in temporary hibernation due to extenuating circumstances!), encouraged readers and writers and desiring-to-be-authors to pick up the pen (the literal pen), and compose a handwritten letter to somebody.

And mail it.

I love mailing letters!  I write several every week, including thank-you notes for gifts and kind gestures people have made for our family, as well as chatty missives to my grandma, friends and family members. Sometimes we includes jokes, humorous pictures or games from magazines, recipes, family photos or anything else we can stuff in.

Stationery and cards live in a small box on my dresser - they used to be in a boring
box, until my mom-in-law gave me a set of cards and envelopes in this pretty one! 
The dresser is convenient: I can write brief letters after the baby lays down for
a nap, or write longer ones in the chair and then quickly address and stamp them here
In the back, I have an old address book, and an envelope of necessaries!
The address book was from an old house, built in the 1930s in Coronado, CA
and belonging to the original owners until I visited at the estate sale in 2011.
This address book was still empty, and I knew I would need it.   
This envelope holds various stamps (I use the simple ones for business transactions,
and the cute ones - most of them supplied by my mom-in-law! - for personal letters).
It also holds stickers for sealing envelopes, and address labels.  The address
labels were free, thanks to some various charitable organizations that somehow
obtained our name and address.  
Letters waiting for a reply are stuck in the front of the box, a little sideways, so
I can see them until I make the time to sit down and reply!  
I love this truly personal interaction!  It's such a thrill to get a letter or package in the mail - I settle down with the baby on my lap and we tear it open and enjoy it fully.  Every single one is so special and so interesting.  I am interested in the choices people make in stamps, and stationery, and pens, and how they write things and even how their script looks!  You can learn a lot about a person from a letter that you can't pick up from a typed message online.

When my husband was in boot camp, and over the course of some of his Navy deployments, letter-writing has been our primary source of contact.  Perhaps it hardly needs saying that I have treasured and saved those tender notes, and will reread them many times over the years.  They are precious symbols of our love that can be shared with future generations (well ... some of them!), and they contain so much about our daily lives that seems inane now but is of increasing interest as time goes by.

Do you wish you had letters from your childhood?  I know I do!  When is the last time you wrote a letter?  Who would you like to write a letter to today?

Mrs H

tweet us @_mrs_h for chewy nuggets
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lacto-Fermented Sauerkraut: What it is, and why we need it

Thanks for reading this post, I'm so excited to visit with you!  
After you've gleaned all the good information you need, visit our new blog platform at to read even more fascinating tidbits from the kitchen and the fields. 

Dear fellow krauts,

I love sauerkraut!  You'll probably be hearing more about it soon as I tell you about our recent 400 lb cabbage harvest over at the farm, but for now, let's talk about kraut!

What is sauerkraut?
Sauerkraut is German for “sour cabbage,” which is exactly what sauerkraut is.  It is also known by its French name, choucroute.  It is simply lacto-fermented cabbage with a little salt added, to aid in the fermenting process. 

Why eat sauerkraut?
Traditional and ancient methods of food preparation often involved fermentation, as freezers and refrigerators for long-term storage didn’t arrive on the scene until recently.  Fermented foods were even considered sacred in some cultures, and revered for their healing properties.  Sauerkraut, while not only being a delicious and hearty food, is a source of lactic acid bacteria, all of which help to promote a healthy gut and good digestion by providing microorganisms that our bodies need to survive. 

Why eat raw sauerkraut?
Raw sauerkraut is packed with beneficial bacteria and microorganisms, most of which are killed off during high-heat processing or pasteurization.

Why not conventional sauerkraut?
Sauerkraut knock-offs can be found cheaply in many grocery stores because manufacturers skipped the lengthy fermentation process, and simply mixed in vinegar to provide the tangy flavor that is distinctive in fermented foods. 

How is sauerkraut made?
Cabbage is washed, chopped (you can chop it in the Vitamix!) to the desired texture and then mixed with the perfect proportion of hand-harvested, mineral-rich non-iodized sea salt: 5 pounds of cabbage to three tablespoons salt has been my salty sweet spot for fermentation.  Too much salt, and the cabbage won’t ferment properly; too little salt, and it will simply rot in the crocks!  It is packed, smashed and pressed down into special fermenting crocks, then weighted down to extract, over the period of days or weeks, the salty brine.  As the kraut is slowly pressed beneath the weight, it bubbles, ferments, and develops the beautiful array of bacteria and the familiar, heady sour flavor and aroma.  You can leave it in the crocks for some months (watch for mold or bloom on the surface, skim it off, and wash the plate before returning to the kraut), or transfer it into jars in your fridge.  Because every natural fermentation is different, kraut will continue to ripen for months in your refrigerator, and the flavor will evolve and may vary from jar to jar.

This crock is half-full,  and the jars filled with water are pressing the brine from the cabbage

The two smaller crocks hold five gallons each; the large crock is ten.
A cloth keeps dust, bugs and foreign objects from falling into the brine!

 Nourished Kitchen has a beautifully photographed article on preparing kraut at home, so I won't reinvent the wheel by going into too much detail.  I love Jenny's brilliant blog (and she's writing a cookbook, folks!) and I know you'll enjoy visiting her kitchen, too.

How do I eat it?
You can eat it plain as a side dish, or layer it in sandwiches, Reubens, burgers and dogs.  Choucroute garnie is a French method of preparation, where the kraut is served with sausages or other salted meats such as bacon and other charcuterie, and often cooked potatoes as well.  Traditional recipes like German spaetzle, pierogies, sauerkraut soups, casseroles, slow-cooker recipes, slaws, and more all feature sauerkraut. Salted, raw ‘kraut is vegan, gluten-free, GAPS, Paleo/Primal-approved, and of course sugar-free! 

How long does a jar last?
Properly fermented cabbage can last for months in your fridge, said to reach the peak of flavor and fullness at six months, and in some cases it will last for years in a cool, refrigerated area. 

Can I can kraut? 
You can, although processing kraut will kill many of the beneficial bacteria.  However, if (for instance) you suddenly had to move cross country and wanted to bring your gallons of kraut with you, but didn't think it would survive the trip, you could can it all and just enjoy it for the flavor and, yes, there would still be some nutrition.

To can kraut: 
Bring sauerkraut to a simmer (minimum of 185 deg. F).  Do not boil.  Pack hot cabbage into clean, hot jars.  Leave 1/2" headspace.  Bubble and cap.  Process pints 15 minutes, quarts 20 minutes, in boiling water bath (see basic canning instructions here).

Sauering nutritiously,

Mrs H
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