Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Deviled Meat Spread: My childhood, grown up and cooler

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Dear angels,

Not gonna lie, I love deviled ham.

We enjoyed it in sandwiches when I was a child, and it wasn't until last year when we were living in San Diego that I remembered how good it was, sought out a can, and enjoyed it wickedly on a slice of homemade sourdough.

But what ingredients are in the canned ham?  Well, sugar for one, and sodium nitrites for another.  Both of these are ingredients I seek to avoid - so I was excited when I accidentally stumbled across a recipe in my super-useful old Vitamix book for deviled ham!

You can vary the seasonings as you desire - or use chicken or beef for a shredded meat sandwich!  If I could only tell you how good this spread is!  You wouldn't be here long enough to finish reading my blog post.  Away to the kitchen!!

Choose your ingredients!

Scoop and dump seasonings and spreads into the bin of the Vitamix ...

Add cubed, cooked meat.

Chop coarsely!

Deviled Meat Spread
If you're vegetarian, replace the meat with cooked chickpeas! 

1/4 cup mayonnaise (homemade is most delicious!)
1 tablespoon mustard (I used homemade ginger-garlic mustard)
1 teaspoon paprika - hot, spanish smoked, or sweet
1 teaspoon onion powder or 1 tablespoon minced onion
2 tablespoons pickle juice
1 tablespoon relish (optional)
Sliced pickles for topping (optional)
1-1/2 cups boiled, roasted or otherwise cooked leftover ham, chicken, beef or pork*, cut into 1" cubes

*Any meat, really.  I mean this is basically tuna salad, with other meat.

Add ingredients to Vitamix in the order listed.  Pulse at 10 several times, or for just one second on high, until coarsely shredded or chopped.  Do Not overmix - if there are just one or two chunks left, let them be - you can easily overmix, and then you'll have a meat puree.  Remember, on high the Vitamix blades hit the meat 1600 times per second, so it doesn't take long!! 

Spread on sandwiches or roll in lettuce; serve with pickles for a spunky treat! 

Floating away on a cloud of deviled ham,

Mrs H
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