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Dear ones,
When I was growing up, Mom had a Vitamix sitting on the counter which she used frequently and often to make wicked delights such as ice cream, milkshakes, soups, cornbread.
I remember once she made some sort of purple drink which I recall I did not exactly like; but of course, I didn't complain. I once complained about macaroni and cheese and it didn't go well for me ("This needs more cheese," I said, to which Dad said, "You need more manners." That's the only time I remember ever complaining about food).
However, there was a delectable, heavenly nectar which she used to blend up in the Vitamix, the memory of which has kept me alive these long dry years of Vitamixless living. A whiff of banana will take me rushing back to the happy sunny day in which I was sipping glass of said nectar, but I haven't been able to perfectly recreate that halcyon memory.
Until today.
Before Mr H left, he ordered me a Vitamix - a top-of-the-line, first-class professional-grade blender, grain grinder, nut butter pureer, ice cream maker, food processor, soup maker, kitchen dandy. Mom's original Vitamix cookbook had disappeared, goodness knows where and when, without a trace. Dad ordered her a new machine at the same time as Mr H purchased mine, and Mom and I both ordered used copies of the antiquated cookbook from Amazon
There was a Race for the Cure event near our house, and I happened to be on hand when they were trying to get rid of the leftover cut fruit. I volunteered (of course) and they were happy and relieved to offload all of the bananas and oranges at my house! Seven cases of bananas? I think yes!
Having limited freezer space, I gave away all but two of the boxes. I loaded my dehydrator with slices, and the rest were peeled and stashed in the freezer ... for milkshakes and more.
Banana Milkshake
The original recipe, and my modification.
Old-Fashioned Vitamix Version (scrumptious!)
1 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar (optional)
1 large banana
1-1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup instant nonfat dry milk
2 cups ice cubes
New-Fangled Version (wondrous!)
1 cup whole milk
1 large banana
1-1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
Sprinkle of bee pollen
2 cups ice cubes or frozen milk cubes
Put all ingredients in Vitamix, blender, or cup with immersion blender in the order listed; blend thoroughly.
Summer fresh, winter cool,