Reader Favorites

Thanks for checking out this page, I'm so excited to visit with you!  
After you've gleaned all the good information you need, visit our new blog platform at to read even more fascinating tidbits from the kitchen and the fields. 

Table Evolution
Our table is evolving monthly, weekly, daily.  We're learning how to eat close to the ground.  Local, fresh, organic, and all on a snug budget.  Learn about our primary sources of food in the Food Group series. 

The (Notorious) Eating Series
It wasn't my plan to go organic, but I started down the path of food education and never turned back.  

Gifts for Homesteaders
This list of delightful gadgets and tools for homesteaders and foodies will please clean-eating, nutrition-conscious folks everywhere.  
The 25 (or more!) Best Gifts for Homesteaders

Feed the Frugal Soul
Not all of us have money to burn! 
The Saving Money Series (warning - hot topic!)
Our wildly popular series on honing your frugal skills - contributions always welcome, this topic will never grow old! 

Home and Hearth - on things heartwarming

Pregnancy and the Baby

Gardens and Growing (Food)
Love Apples - plant tomatoes, cheaply!

The Navy Travel Saga 
You might think I'm pulling your leg with this one, but every word is true.  This really happened.  How long was the trip?  It lasted a little over a year, and it was approximately this: I flew from Seattle to Chicago for graduation, flew from Chicago to Seattle to pack, drove from Seattle to Chicago to live in a hotel, flew from Chicago to Seattle for a training course, flew from Seattle to Chicago to go back to living in a hotel, drove from Chicago to Seattle to pack half a house, drove from Seattle to San Diego to live with friends, drove from San Diego to LA and back three times a week for several weeks until we found housing in San Diego, drove from San Diego to Seattle for Christmas, drove from Seattle to San Diego for papers, drove from San Diego to Pensacola for a visit, flew from Pensacola to Seattle to pack an entire house, and drove from Seattle to Virginia to unload a house.  Yep. 

The first post (hint: don't bother)



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