Friday, June 26, 2009

Because "Thank You" is not too strong a word ... er, phrase ...

Dearest, most devoted readers,

Today I am thrilled to inform you that the Thank You cards for the wedding gifts, are being placed with gentle care in the mail receptacle.

There are three different versions of the Thank You card - collect them all! - with various photos from the wedding. One is a family theme, one is a bridal party theme, and one is a "silly" theme (goofy or fun pictures from the wedding). They were quite entertaining to make.

The reason I put photos on the cards (including cards I mailed out prior to the wedding), is two-fold. One, it is always fun for family members and friends to get to know the bride and groom a little better. Sometimes they only know one member of the esteemed wedding party, and the photos help to acquaint them better with said bride and groom. And two, whenever a thank-you card is received, the sweet sentiments read and appreciated and then quickly discarded. I wished to somehow give my generous patrons a brief moment or two more of entertainment and show my own appreciation, and I felt that by personalizing the cards, I could accomplish such.

To all those who brought gifts to the wedding, who attended the wedding and thus gave me the inestimable joy of their presence and their celebration with me, to all those who were unable to attend but who thought of me and tendered well-wishes and prayers, to all those who have contributed to my path in life and given me such happy memories and have helped to bring me to this point in time, I wish to once more extend my deepest, most sincere and humble gratitude. My friends and family members, both extended and immediate, have brought unspeakable joy and gladness to me, and I just could not live my life without that bright and harmonious love.

With a full heart yours,

Mrs H
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Thumbnails of the three different versions (click to enlarge):

Bridal Party Theme

Family Theme

Fun (Goofy!) Theme



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