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In which we behave as adults |
Fortunately, we behaved like adults, as we always do, and made them proud.
We still live close to both our families, but that may change in the future as Mr H looks into joining the navy - his assignment could take us to a few different places, but that is the future and we have enough to concern ourselves with in the now. For now, Mr H trains and works as a sturdy ironworker, building tall things in tall places and taking his hind feet to high places. His admirable physical strength, of course, was no factor in convincing me that he was a man worthy of my attentions some few years ago.
Mr H has a brother and sister-in-law, who live in New Mexico and accomplish feats of unimaginable mental gymnasium. Both received their masters from the University of Washington and as alumni make the school proud with their contributions to society.
I come from a family of eight kids, all rowdy and more brilliant than I. They continually make me proud and at the same time horrify me with their ever-growing lists of achievements.
Mr H and I were both blessed with a respective pair of loving, generous, and wise parents. Between the four of them, we have all the spiritual and emotional support we could ask for; they keep tabs on us and advise us yet leave us to live our lives. and encourage our life pursuits, be they canning or navy or just making homemade vanilla extract.
It is my pleasure to serve my husband, and one day my own children; spending time homemaking brings me great joy and it is an honor to me.
I hope you enjoy perusing the blog, but most of all I hope you are able to draw something useful for yourself from here. If you find anything you really like, be sure to let me know! andrea . globetrotter @ gmail . com